An example of how numerous sustainability goals of a diverse focus group were consolidated and prioritized
- Life time of WWTP - 100 yrs
- Maximize usage of waste sludge
- Minimize waste to landfill
- Minimize construction carbon footprint
- Develop a plan to reduce WW inflow
- Make WWTP self-sufficient in energy
- Inject treated effluent to recharge groundwater
- Provide opportunities for community education
- Reduce pump power by 25% through VFD
- Educate the public to use water sustainably
- Offset all CO2 produced during construction
- Limit to 20% any degradation of site natural ecology
- Minimize electricity using during construction
- Education program for students in on-site sanitation
- Retain or increase the value of homes near WWTP
- More efficient sludge reuse
- Utilize WWTP waste as inputs to other industry
- Reduce energy requirements for the facility operation
- Use concrete mix design that limits carbon footprint
- Maximize the use of treated effluent for other processes
- Minimize impacts on surrounding ecological systems
- Minimize the release of methane to the atmosphere
- Capture methane for energy generation
- Protect the health and well-being of the citizens
- Educate the public, especially students
     in sustainable use of water and green engineering
- Maximize the use of treated effluent
     for other processes
- Make WWTP self-sufficient in energy
- Maximize usage of waste sludge
- Minimize and offsett construction
     carbon footprint
- Minimize impacts on global and
     surrounding ecological systems
Initial Goals
Consolidated Goals